Arduino NXT Motor Shield for the Arduino

With the Arduino NXT Motor Shield you are able to connect and control up to 2x Mindstorms NXT® Motors. This includes both controlling of the DC motor but also reading of the internal Rotary Encoder.
This board makes it possible to make easy controllable robots using LEGO Technics® bricks, together with the programmable Arduino microprocessor platform.
Besides of being able to control 2x NXT motors, the shield can actually also be connected to the Mindstorms NXT® Ultrasonic Sensor. This gives your robot a kind of vision, making it able to measure distances to different objects or obstacles.
To get started using the shield we have made some example code which can be found in the download selection to the left.
The board is sold as a kit. This means you get the green professional made PCB (board) including all the required components, especially the 3 NXT compatible sockets.
All the components are thru hole mounted so it isn't difficult to solder, if you have the basic soldering skills.
The Arduino NXT Motor Shield board can be bought in our webshop at a price of $43.00 excl. tax.
You can read much more about the NXT Motor Shield, the development of it and the Arduino code, on our blog: NXT Shield Version 2